For latest tenders information visit:
Selection of Concessionaire for Operation and Maintenance of Baija Taal and Baradari Amphitheater, Gwalior
Purchase of Tender End Date : 28-09-2018 17:30
File size: 1 MB Downloads: 8367 -
Selection of Service Provider for undertaking GIS based Mapping of Properties and Utilities for Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited - Volume 1
Purchase of Tender End Date : 19-09-2018 17:30
File size: 957 KB Downloads: 7067 -
Selection of Service Provider for undertaking GIS based Mapping of Properties and Utilities for Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited - Volume 2
Purchase of Tender End Date : 19-09-2018 17:30
File size: 2 MB Downloads: 13524 -
Selection of Service Provider for undertaking GIS based Mapping of Properties and Utilities for Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited - Volume 3
Purchase of Tender End Date : 19-09-2018 17:30
File size: 493 KB Downloads: 5023 -
Supply, Installation, Testing And Commissioning SITC and Operation And Maintenance of Dynamic Facade lighting at Gwalior Fort
Purchase of Tender End Date : 18-09-2018 17:30
File size: 1 MB Downloads: 6603 -
Selection of an Agency to Setup and Manage an Incubation Centre at Moti Mahal, Gwalior
Purchase of Tender End Date : 18-09-2018 17:30
File size: 569 KB Downloads: 3622 -
Selection of Master System Integrator MSI for Implementation of Implementation of Intelligent Traffic Management System ITMS - Volume 1
Purchase of Tender End Date : 17-09-2018 17:30
File size: 613 KB Downloads: 3854 -
Selection of Master System Integrator MSI for Implementation of Implementation of Intelligent Traffic Management System ITMS - Volume 2
Purchase of Tender End Date : 17-09-2018 17:30
File size: 625 KB Downloads: 17345 -
Selection of Master System Integrator MSI for Implementation of Implementation of Intelligent Traffic Management System ITMS - Volume 3
Purchase of Tender End Date : 17-09-2018 17:30
File size: 376 KB Downloads: 7687 -
Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Selfie Points in Gwalior Madhya Pradesh
Purchase of Tender End Date : 17-09-2018 17:30
File size: 535 KB Downloads: 6306 -
Renovation and Rejuvenation of Skill Development Centre at Regional Art and Craft Design Centre
LAST DATE : 14/05/2018 17:30 HRS -------------------------------- (OPEN)
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online item rate bids for the following works (estimated on UADD SOR w.e.f. 10/05/2012) from eligible registered contractors and firms of repute fulfilling eligibility criteria (Bidders) through for “Renovation and Rejuvenation of Skill Development Centre at Regional Art and Craft Design Centre”.
File size: 3 MB Downloads: 3479 -
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL “Development of Smart Roads in ABD region under Gwalior Smart City Mission”
LAST DATE : 17/04/2018 17:30 HRS
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online item rate bids for the following works (estimated on UADD SOR w.e.f. 10/05/2012) from eligible registered contractors and firms of repute fulfilling eligibility criteria (Bidders) through for “DEVELOPMENT OF SMART ROAD IN ABD REGION UNDER GWALIOR SMART CITY MISSION”.
File size: 2 MB Downloads: 11567 -
Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of a former Birth-Death-Marriage Registration Office Building into a Tourist Information Centre (TIC) at Maharaj Bada, Gwalior
LAST DATE : 24/04/2018 17:30 HRS
Gwalior Smart City Development Limited (GSCDCL) invites online Item Rates for the following works (estimated as per schedule of rates) from registered contractors and firms of repute, fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible bidders through for “Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of a former Birth-Death-Marriage Registration Office Building into a Tourist Information Centre (TIC) at Maharaj Bada, Gwalior”.
File size: 632 KB Downloads: 2132 -
‘Conservation and Adaptive Upgradation of Central Library, Lashkar as Digital Library’ Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
LAST DATE : 24/04/2018 17:30 HRS
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online item rate bids for the following works (estimated on UADD SOR w.e.f. 10/05/2012) from eligible registered contractors and firms of repute fulfilling eligibility criteria (Bidders) through for “Conservation and Adaptive Upgradation of Central Library, Lashkar as Digital Library”.
File size: 2 MB Downloads: 21106 -
Conservation, Retrofitting, MEP and Other Allied and Development Works for Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of Moti Mahal Annexe Historic Building as ICCC, GSCDCL & PDMC Office, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
LAST DATE : 06/04/2018 17:30 HRS
Gwalior Smart City Development Limited (GSCDCL) invites online Item Rates for the following works (estimated as per schedule of rates) from registered contractors and firms of repute, fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible bidders through for “Conservation, Retrofitting, MEP and Other Allied and Development Works for Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of Moti Mahal Annexe Historic Building as ICCC, GSCDCL & PDMC Office at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India”
File size: 1 MB Downloads: 5406 -
Completion of civil and interior works for 37 class rooms identified for smart class room project in Gwalior
Last date : 29/01/2018 till 17:30 hrs.
Gwalior Smart City Development Limited (GSCDCL) invites online Lump Sum for the following works (estimated as per schedule of rates) are invited from registered contractors and firms of repute, fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible bidders through for “Completion of civil and interior works for 37 class rooms identified for smart class room project in Gwalior”.
File size: 2 MB Downloads: 1666 -
Selection of Concessionaire for Design Build, Finance Operation and Maintenance of Smart Parking Solution for On-Street,Off-Street and Multi-Level Parking in Gwalior on PPP model
LAST DATE : 30.01.2018 17:30 HRS
File size: 5 MB Downloads: 1639 -
Providing, Erecting & Fixing Smart Wayfinders & Real Time Automatic Digital Display units on various roads of Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)
Last date: 24/01/2018 till 17:30 hours.
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online Lump Sum bids from eligible Bidders through for “Providing, Erecting & Fixing Smart Wayfinders units on various roads of Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)”. The intent of this RFP is to invite proposals from the eligible Bidders (also referred to as ‘Bidders’) to “Providing, Erecting & Fixing Smart Wayfinders units on various roads of Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)”
File size: 664 KB Downloads: 2025 -
RequestforProposal For Selectionof Concessionaire for Design Build,Finance Operationand Maintenanceof SmartParkingSolution forOn-Street,Off-Street andMulti-LevelParkinginGwalioron PPP model
Last Date: 30.01.2018 17:30 HRS
File size: 4 MB Downloads: 3172 -
Completion of civil and interior works for 37 class rooms identified for smart class room project in Gwalior
Last Date: 29/01/2018 till 17:30 hrs.
Gwalior Smart City Development Limited (GSCDCL) invites online Lump Sum for the following works (estimated as per schedule of rates) are invited from registered contractors and firms of repute, fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible bidders through for “Completion of civil and interior works for 37 class rooms identified for smart class room project in Gwalior”.
File size: 2 MB Downloads: 1946 -
Request for Proposalfor “Development of Smart Classrooms (including supply, installation, commissioning, integration and maintenance) in Municipal School in Gwalior (M.P.)”
Last Date: 29/01/2018 till 17:30 hrs.
Gwalior Smart City Development Limited (GSCDCL) invites online Lump Sum for the following works (estimated as per schedule of rates) are invited from registered contractors and firms of repute, fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible bidders through for “Completion of civil and interior works for 37 class rooms identified for smart class room project in Gwalior”.
File size: 806 KB Downloads: 6836 -
Last Date: 10/01/2018
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online item rate bids for the following works (estimated on UADD SOR w.e.f. 10/05/2012) from registered contractors and firms of repute fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible Bidders through for “REDEVELOPMENT OF KATORA TAL, GWALIOR”.
File size: 1 MB Downloads: 4857 -
Completion of balance civil and interior works for restoration of town hall into a place of performance for theatre & other performing arts at Maharaj Bara, Gwalior
Last Date: 10/01/2018
Gwalior Smart City Development Limited (GSCDCL) invites online Lump Sum B i d s for the following works (estimated as per schedule of rates) are invited from registered contractors and firms of repute, fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible bidders through for “Completion of balance civil and interior works for restoration of town hall into a place of performance for theatre & other performing arts at Maharajbara, Gwalior”.
File size: 893 KB Downloads: 2093 -
Request for Proposal for establishing Gwalior Smart City Women Entrepreneurship Development Cell (Incubation Hub for Start-Up)
Last Date : November 16, 2017 (CLOSED)
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online bids from eligible Bidders through for “Establishing the Gwalior Smart City Women Entrepreneurship Development Cell (Incubation Hub for StartUp)”
File size: 509 KB Downloads: 2640 -
Last Date: 26/10/2017 (CLOSED)
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online item rate bids for the following works (estimated on UADD SOR w.e.f. 10/05/2012) from registered contractors and firms of repute fulfilling eligibility criteria from eligible Bidders through for “REDEVELOPMENT OF SHIVAJI PARK, GWALIOR”.
File size: 926 KB Downloads: 2709 -
Last Date : 04 Dec, 2017 (CLOSED)
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online percentage bids from eligible bidders through for “Construction of Rainwater Harvesting Recharge Pits, Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited”‐2nd Call.
File size: 1,011 KB Downloads: 1461 -
Selection of an Agency to provide public relations, print and digital media content production services for Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (PR AGENCY)
Last Date : 22 Dec, 2017
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (“GSCDCL”) invites online Lump Sum bid from eligible Bidders through for “Selection of an Agency to provide public relations, print, supporting key events and digital media content production services for GSCDCL”.
File size: 629 KB Downloads: 2688 -
Request for Proposal For Empanelment of agency for IEC activities in Gwalior For GSCDCL
Last Date: 23 October 2017 (CLOSED)
Gwalior Smart City Development Corporation Limited (GSCDCL) invites online bids from eligible bidders through for “Request for Proposal For Empanelment of agency for IEC activities in Gwalior for GSCDCL”.
File size: 540 KB Downloads: 2178 -
One City One App
Last date: 06 September 2017 (AWARDED)
Gwalior Smart City Development Limited (GSCDCL) invites online bids from eligible bidders through for “Request for Proposal for the Implementation and Operations of Citizen Service Delivery and Collaboration Platform for the City of Gwalior”.
File size: 880 KB Downloads: 3131